Prove Who Logo

Released: Nov 19, 2021

Press Kit

“Known for her dynamic vocal performance and candid storytelling lyrics, Jenny JAM is an artist on the rise.” -Celebmix

Short Bio

In life, there are going to be many people who tell you what you should or shouldn’t be doing, how you should or shouldn’t be, try and use you to get what they want, push their insecurities about themselves onto you or make you feel like you have to explain yourself every step of the way. The more successful you become, the more this can become apparent. It’s about cutting those people out and staying focused on your dreams and goals. Trust yourself, trust the process, don’t question it.

Press Shots

Prove Who feat. Reuben Alexander

Prove Who is an anthem about not needing to prove who you are to anyone.

Prove Who Single Vinyl Record


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